HLP Command
The HLP command print command help. It is a batch script acting as a front-end of the TEA command.
HLP [name | /b language [encoding] | /l | /d]
Print a manual page.
name : The name of the manual page to be printed.
/b : Build documentation for a given language and a given encoding. This switch is used to produce files from TEA documents shipped with pBat. The parameters that can be specified are:
language : The language in which the documentation will be generated. A list of languages available can be obtained through the /l switch.
encoding : The encoding that will be used by generated manual pages. This parameters requires GNU iconv to be installled. The default encoding is utf-8. This parameter is usefull if your terminal does not support utf-8 encoding.
/l : Print a list of all languages avaliable on the current machine. Available languages are shown through POSIX locales, that is in form of language_COUNTRY where language and country are both abbreviations.
/c : Configures hlp.bat command parameter. Prompt the user for the selected language, format (html, text or ansi) and encoding to be used. This option is an user-friendly way to configure the configuration file %USERPROFILE%/.pbat/hlp/hlp.conf.bat.
Config file
A batch script defining hlp setting through a set of variables. This file can be generated using the /c switch. This file is run on hlp.bat startup. Variables that must be set are the following:
%mode% : The file format to be used by hlp.bat. It must be one of the following three formats:
html : Help pages will be displayed through an html medium and a web browser. This requires a web browser and a working start command.
ansi : Help pages will be displayed at the command prompt, using ANSI escape codes for formatting. This obviously requires an ANSI-compatible terminal. – txt : Help pages will be displayed at the command prompt using plain text
%locale% : The language of help pages using a POSIX local (e.g language_COUNTRY). The corresponding locale has to be installed in %PBAT_PATH%/share/hlp/man.
%view_cmd% : The command to be used for Help pages display. This can either be an internal or an external command. By default, hlp uses :
set view_cmd=!%mode%_prg!
Where variables %txt_prg%, %html_prg% et %ansi_prg% define the commands to be executed for every format.
HLP is not compatible with cmd.exe
Available since version 2014.0.9b.