pBat command

pBat is a free, cross-platform command prompt used for batch scripts and command processing.

pBat is a free software, designed to be as compatible as possible with cmd.exe proprietary software from Microsoft.


 PBAT [/A[:]attr] [/i input] [/o output] [file] [/ commande | /k command]

Run a command file or wait for an user input.


Compatible with any version of pBat. Incompatible with cmd.exe.

pBat is cross-platform so that it can be run either on MS-WINDOWS or GNU/Linux. Moreover, pBat should be easily portable to operating systems that support either POSIX (and define _POSIX_C_SOURCE) or a MS-WINDOWS compatible API, including any POSIX-compatible function that is provided by it.


pBat is a free software distributed under GNU General Public License terms. For more informations about free software’s philosophy, see Free Software Fundation’s website.


pBat have been written since 2010 by Darkbatcher (Romain Garbi). It uses severals helpful free libraries from the GNU operating system, mostly libmatheval, gettext.

pBat uses a few open-source project. Theses project include GNU Iconv, GNU Gettext, GNU libmatheval, and linenoise. pBat also includes a few functions from darkbox by TSnake41.

See Also

ECHO Command, Commands list