Index of commands
This is an index containing all the name of pBat internal and external commands, along with global variable and some miscelaneous topics. The command tagged with [int] are internal, and those tagged with [ext] are external.
An internal command is a command which is directly intergrated on pBat, so that it does not need any additional binaries to work. These commands are the faster and the most compatible.
An external command is a command which needs an additionnal binaries. These commands provide more flexibility to batch programs.
The specifications can be found in specifications index.
To get started using Picobat, see the quick starting guide.
User-interface commands
BREAK [int] : Enables/disables CTRL-C handling.
COLOR [int] : Changes the console screen color.
CLS [int] : Clears the console screen.
ECHO [int] : Displays text in the console.
HELP [int] : Shows Picobat internal help|HELP messages (provided for compatibility, alias of HLP when possible).
HLP [int] : Shows Picobat full help.
PAUSE [int] : Makes a pause in a batch script
PROMPT [int] : Changes pBat command prompt.
PECHO [int] : Displays a text formatted for PROMPT
TIMEOUT [int] : Introduces a delay in a batch script.
TITLE [int] : Changes console title.
Scripting commands
DEF [int] : Defines a procedure or an alias.
CALL [int] : Calls a external script or a routine, within the current command context.
ENDLOCAL [int] : Reverts changes to local environment after SETLOCAL call.
FOR [int] : Loops through items a script.
GOTO [int] : Jumps to a label in a script.
IF [int] : Executes conditionnaly depending on test success.
PBAT [int] : The main Picobat executable. Interprets batch scripts.
SET [int] : Modifies an environment variable. Either through a string litteral, a mathematical expression or an user input.
SHIFT [int] : Changes position of command-line arguments in batch files.
START [int] : Runs a command.
SETLOCAL [int] : Creates local environment and changes pBat mode.
REM [int] : Introduces a comment.
File commands
CD, CHDIR [int] : Changes current directory.
COPY [int] : Copies files.
DIR [int] : Browses subdirectories.
DEL, ERASE [int] : Deletes files.
DUMP [int] : Dumps hexadecimal content of a file.
FIND [int] : Finds strings in files.
MD, MKDIR [int] : Creates directory.
MORE [int] : Displays files screen by screen.
MOVE [int] : Moves files.
PUSHD [int] : Changes current directory and push the previous on the directory stack.
POPD [int] : Pulls a directory on the directory stack to define the current directory.
RD, RMDIR [int] : Deletes directory.
RENAME, REN [int] : Renames files.
TEA [ext] : Fast and simple text preprocessor.
TYPE [int] : Types files.
VER [int] : Prints current OS version.
WC [int] : Displays file counts.
XARGS [int] : Runs a command taking argument on standard input.
Modules commands
BATBOX [int] : A module implementation of the well known BATBOX graphics tool.
MOD [int] : Loads a module from a file.
Picobat-defined variables
%ERRORLEVEL% : Stores the return status of the preceeding command.
Picobat-defined variable : A list of all variable defined by Picobat.
%RANDOM% : A variable used to generate random integral values.
%TIME% and %DATE% : Variables for dealing with date and time.
Miscellanious topics
LICENSES : About the license applying to Picobat.
pBat_Auto.bat : About Picobat initialisations script.
Picobat START script : About scripts used on *nices to implement the START command.