MORE command
The MORE command displays output on a per screen basis. MORE can also be used in the same way as TYPE to print a file to the terminal.
MORE [/E] [/C] [/P] [/T[:]n] [/S] [/A] [/U] [+n] [files ...]
Displays output one screen at a time, pausing between two screens.
/E : Enable extended mode. This switch should be specified each time you need to use switches /C, /P and /S, or the +n parameter. However, this switch is ignored by pBat, it is only provided for compatibility reasons.
/C : Clear screen before printing a new screen. This switch is ignored if the output of MORE does not refer to a terminal device (eg. if output is redirected or sent through a pipe}. Uppon use of this switch, you can only access full screen scrolls (scrolling screen by screen as opposed to line by line).
/P : Develop form-feed characters. This switch is not supported by pBat, and is ignored instead
/S : Squeezes multiples blank lines into a single line.
/T[:]n : Expands tabs to n spaces.
+n : Display files starting at line n.
/A : Count ANSI escape codes as printed characters.
/U : Do not consider text to be utf-8. Consider instead that it is byte-based encoding.
files … : A list of files to be displayed (possibly containing regular expressions. If files is empty, then MORE use the standard input as input.
If standard output is not redirected, then the MORE command uses it interactive more (the command prompts the MORE prompt).
-- MORE --
MORE accepts the following commands:
Pn : Display next n lines.
Sn : Skip next n lines.
F : Display next file.
= : Show line number.
Q : Quit.
If pBat has been compiled with –disable-console, then the more command should always use the /C switch, Thus, line by line scrolling should not be possible.
Compatible with cmd.exe, excepting /P switch that does nothing.
Available since 2014.0.9b revision. Before MORE was only a TYPE alias.