PROMPT Command and %PROMPT% Variable
The PROMPT command and the %PROMPT% enable changing the text of the command prompt.
PROMPT prompt_format
SET PROMPT=prompt_format
The PROMPT command is equivalent to a call to SET modifying the %PROMPT% variable. The new format is specified through prompt_format, that can be any sequence of characters where the following sub strings will be expanded:
$a : Expands to &.
$c : Expands to (.
$d : Expands to the content of %DATE% variable.
$e : Expands to an escape character (code 27).
$f : Expands to ).
$g : Expands to >.
$h : Expands to a backspace character.
$l : Expands to <.
$n : Expands to current drive (root, if the OS running pBat does not provide an equivalent for the windows concept).
$p : Expands to the current working directory.
$q : Expands to =.
$s : Expands to a space.
$t : Expands to the content of %TIME% variable.
$u : Expands to the content of %USERNAME% variable. That is, if not modified, the current user name.
$w : Expands to the content of %USERDOMAIN% variable. That is, if not modified, the current user domain name.
$xCODE; : Changes locally the color of the text displayed according to CODE, where CODE is a code that can be accepted by the COLOR command. Changes of color using this method will not affect the . specifiers values. The original color of text is not restored after displaying the prompt, but you can restore default values using $x..;.
$_ : Expands to a new line.
$$ : Expands to $.
$+ : Prints as many + as pushed directories inside the directory stack.
PROMPT without arguments resets %PROMPT% variable to its default value.
Mostly compatible with cmd.exe. However, the $m specifier is unsupported. In addition, $xCODE; specifier is a pBat extension.
Available since 218.2.