SHIFT Command
The SHIFT command shifts batch script arguments. This command is very useful to create batch scripts requiring many parameters.
SHIFT [/start | /s[:]start] [/d[:]step]
Changes position of parameters within the variable %0 to %9.
/start ou /s[:]start : Specify a number start between 0 and 9 that indicate at which parameters the command should start. The first syntax is compatible with cmd.exe while the other one is not. By default, displacement of parameters starts at %0.
/d[:]step : Specify the length of the displacement. Step has to be a number between 0 and 9. The default value is 1. This is a pBat extension.
Displacement takes place from the the lowest parameter to the highest. If any argument is left empty by the process, then SHIFT tries to put some additional arguments using remaining arguments stored in %+. If %+ is already empty, these variables are left empty.
The content of the variable %* is not modified by the SHIFT command.
Mostly compatible with cmd.exe. Indeed, while replacing the %0 parameter, cmd.exe checks that the new argument refers to a file or a directory and if it is not, replace it by the current directory. This behaviours is not implemented by pBat.